Tuesday, 29 April 2014



§  Kerja penulisan yang berselerak dan lemah dalam penulisan
§  Kebolehan lisan lebih baik dari penulisan
§  Kesukaran notasi / sImbol muzik Menggunakan pelbagai ejaan yang mengelirukan
§  Lemah membaca dan kerap meninggalkan perkataan/sukukata
§  Lemah huruf dan perkataan
§  Daya ingatan yang rendah
§  Sukar menyalin perkataan dari papan tulis
§  Keliru arah kiri dan kanan
§  Rendah kemahiran mengurus
§  Sukar menyusun idea mengikut urutan
§  Sukar menghuraikan idea mengikut urutan
§  Sukar menghuraikan idea dalam bentuk penulisan
§  Mudah hilang tumpuan
§  Kesukaran mendengar dan memahaminya
§  Cepat letih dan bosan apabila belajar
§  Kerja penulisan yang berselerak dan lemah menulis
§  Kebolehan lisan lebih baik dari penulisan
kKesukaran mengenal notasi/simbol muzik



Just love enjoying the view- stunning beauty of goldfish swimming in the aquarium



Thursday, 24 April 2014



Best Practices and Accommodations
·    Develop consistent behavior expectations.
·    Involve the student in setting academic and personal goals.
·    Engage in role playing situations.
·    Communicate with parents so that strategies are consistent at home and school.
·    Set limits and boundaries.
·    Apply established consequences immediately, fairly and consistently.
·    Acknowledge and reinforce acceptable behavior.
·    Avoid confrontation and power struggles.
·    Provide a highly structured classroom environment.
·    Clearly post rules and expectations.
·    Establish a quiet cool off area.
·  Provide and teach opportunities for the student to use self control/self monitoring techniques to control behavior.
    ·    Teach self talk to relieve stress and anxiety.
·    Teach and provide time for relaxation techniques.
·    Establish cues as reminders for inappropriate behavior.
·    Redirect to avoid situations that may increase anxiety levels.
   ·    Remain calm and aware of your body language when addressing the student.


Behaviour Disorders

Students with Emotional or Behavior Disorders have many characteristics that hinder academic growth.
Characteristics of a behavior disorder are usually evident and persistent in different settings and environment and usually with little respect or regards for social or cultural norms.
Academic Implications
·       Disruptive to classroom activity.
·       Impulsive.
·       Inattentive, distractible.
·       Appears pre-occupied.
·       Disregards all classroom rules.
·       Poor concentration.
·       Extreme resistance to change and transitions.
·       Speaks out, repeatedly.
·       Is aggressive.
·       Bullies and intimidates others.
·       Regular truancy from school.

·       Dishonest, consistently blames others.